A blog for those who toil in the most specialized, and perhaps the least glamorous, area in the press -- B2B journalism.
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Folio picks its 40 most influential people
I'll take a wee bit of credit for this. The folks at Folio magazine were kind enough to seek my input to the Folio: 40 this year. They asked who I thought "represented the state of the art in the new world of b-to-be edit." And Jon was the first person who came to mind.
If you're a B2B editor, Jon is the guy you should try to emulate. He does all the things that his peers do -- writing, reporting, editing -- and he does them better than most. He's also the creator of all-new forms of storytelling (screencasting) and content organization (Infoworld metadata explorer.) And as Folio points out, Jon's blog is "powerhouse of knowledge that incorporates information with video and audio, essentially the next generation in online communication resources."
Take a look at the rest of what Folio said about Jon here.
Take a look at the entire Folio: 40 list here.
And while you're at it, check out this column, which quotes from an earlier post to this blog.
(DISCLOSURE: IDG is a client of mine. But I'm afraid I can't take credit for anything that Jon has ever done.)
tags: journalism, b2b, media, trade press, magazines, newsletters, conversational media, business media
Objecting to objectivity
Longtime readers of this blog won't be surprised to hear that I agree with Slate's Michael Kinsley on this. I've been talking about post-objectivity ethics and urging folks to read the work of Dan Gillmor for quite some time.
Kinsley goes on to say that "No one seriously doubts anymore that the Internet will fundamentally change the news business. The uncertainty is whether it will only change the method of delivering the product, or whether it will change the nature of the product as well."
And although I agree that there is uncertainty among many of the journalists I know, I would argue that this uncertainty is misplaced. To me it seems obvious that online media -- particularly blogs -- will change the way journalism is practiced. Certainly objectivity is growing less important. But I'm far more interested in the other changes that new media brings.
Hang on to your objective style as long as you like. It won't bother me. But please -- please -- accept that you must adopt the core practices of blogging-- external, agnostic links; feedback functions and conversation; and multimedia storytelling -- if you want to continue to keep working in this industry.
tags: journalism, b2b, media, trade press, magazines, newsletters, conversational media, business media
Monday, March 27, 2006
Where B2B falls short
B2B publishing can be a lonely place for reporters and editors who push for excellence. I've lost track of the number of times I've heard talented and ambitious journalists say they wish they worked for a "real" magazine," wish they were "real" reporters.
And the awful truth is that they often have good reason to be embarrassed.
Take a look at this press release from the National Instruments company. Note that the press release is clearly a press release, and that the BusinessWire tag appears at the start.
Then look at this "story" at Desktop Engineering magazine.
The two pieces are the same. Only Desktop Engineering removed the BusinessWire tag and added the phrase "written by DE editors."
Visit the DE news section. Open any story. Copy some text. Paste the text into Google and search. You'll find that the pieces that DE labels as "written by DE editors" are press releases written by someone else.
I sent an email to the editor of DE several weeks ago voicing my concern, but have not received a reply.
Now DE has clearly crossed a line by saying things are "written by DE editors" when it's more accurate to say they were "copied and pasted by DE editors." But it's not fair to single out DE over this issue. Although not everyone in our industry struggles with the meaning of the phrase "written by," lots of B2B publications seem to struggle with the line between news stories and press releases. Regular readers of this blog know I've complained in the past about similar practices by PennWell. And regular readers know that I've lobbied ASBPE to address a related problem -- when a publication runs its own press releases as news -- in its new ethics guidelines.
I shouldn't have to say this, but perhaps I do: a press release often has value. I don't object to seeing press releases on a Web site or reprinted in a magazine.
But I don't understand why anyone would label a press release as news. Press releases are not the same as news stories (although they are often the starting point for news stories.) And by not drawing a distinction between the two we tell readers that there is no distinction. When we label a press release from an outside company as news we confirm the worst suspicions that people have of us -- that we don't "report" the way "real" journalists do, that our "news" is nothing more than regurgitated public-relations material and that our news judgment is determined by how easy something is to do or how much someone pays us to print it.
I know I'm not alone in my concern. John Brady wrote an interesting column for Folio a few weeks ago in which he listed "the tell-tale signs of a magazine that had fallen into the easy marketing arms of PR." If you're interested in excellence, ethics or even just not being half-assed, take a look at his piece.
And if you want to see what folks in the public relations industry think of B2B editors who run press releases as news, check out the comments to this earlier post.
tags: journalism, b2b, media, trade press, magazines, advertising, newsletters, business media
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Award winning B2B magazines
The big winner was Farm Journal magazine. The veteran monthly picked up the Grand Neal award for a series that the judges called a "masterful blending of science, consumer reporting, and passion." I'm pleased by Farm Journal's win. I've worked with a lot of agriculture publications over the years, and Farm Journal has always been a worthy competitor. And the magazine has managed to excel in what has become one of the most competitive spaces in B2B media.
IDG picked up three awards. And that shouldn't be a surprise to anyone who reads this blog. I'm a bit of an IDG groupie. I just adore much of what that company does, and I use them often as an example of excellence. (FULL DISCLOSURE: IDG is a client of mine.)
Take a look at the complete list of winners here. (BtoB magazine has a story here. And check out what my friend David Shaw has to say about the winners here.) You'll see that some of the very best products in trade publishing are represented.
But as longtime readers of this blog would guess, I'm perplexed by Porkmag.com's victory as best small Web site. When the Vance Publishing site was nominated two months ago, I made note of just how poor a choice I thought that was. Porkmag, I said, has "no interactivity -- no links, no feedback functions. The news section is just a news feed. The magazine material isn't repurposed and there's nothing original that I see." I have to confess....I don't see anything worth praising at the site. And I'm shocked that ABM found the product worthy of an award.
(FULL DISCLOSURE: I was once a senior writer at Vance.)
AviationWeek Intelligence Network won the Best Web site award for a mid-size product. I haven't the slightest idea if that site is any good. AWIN has the single most offensive registration process I've ever seen on a Web site. Take a look here. And if you're willing to hand over your phone number, someone will call you sometime in the next two days to let you sample the site.
ADDENDUM: I had to chuckle as I looked through the list of Neal Award winners again and saw that DVM magazine won an award for news coverage. Just yesterday I pointed to DVM as having the worst idea in B2B publishing for its silly policy of charging users $20 to email a story to a friend. DVM's award was for something called "The Long Road to Recovery."
If anyone out there has some extra cash, maybe they can send me a copy of the story.
tags: journalism, b2b, media, trade press, magazines, newsletters, business media
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
The worst idea in B2B publishing
Take a look at DVM, an Advanstar publication that covers veterinary science. Follow the links to the news page.
Look at any story. Pick this one, for example, and open it. You'll find a rewritten press release about the 90th anniversary of Texas A&M University College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences. Now imagine that you had a friend who graduated from that school. And imagine that you wanted to send him this story to let him know about the anniversary.
Click on the little blue box at the top of the story and you'll get a pop-up message that tells you that sending that story to your friend will cost you $20.
Just think about that for a second. DVM is telling its readers that it will charge them for the right to do word-of-mouth marketing on DVM's behalf. DVM wants its customers to pay every time they try and get someone to check out DVM.
Now I'd find this idea laughable under any circumstances. But DVM goes beyond the absurd. It's trying to collect these charges for press releases that are available in dozens of other places and that DVM doesn't hide behind a password-protection wall.
Given how unlikely it is that people are silly enough to pay such fees, I can't imagine that DVM actually generates any revenue from this. But I'm quite sure that the damage to customer relations as well as the loss of free marketing is sizable.
I've seen similar schemes elsewhere in B2B. And I'm left speechless by them.
I'd love to know what these folks are thinking. And for the low, low price of $20, they can post a comment and tell me.
ADDENDUM: 3/24/05. About a day or so after this post was published, DVM changed its system. Read the comments to this post for more details.
tags: journalism, b2b, media, trade press, magazines, newsletters, business media
Friday, March 17, 2006
Students, teachers and visionaries
I was at CMA earlier this week (I'm on the association's professional advisory board.) Last week I visited Northwest Missouri State's new media program (I'm on a similar board there.) So I've been giving a lot of thought of late to the next generation of journalists.
And much of what I've been thinking hasn't been positive.
Perhaps the strangest thing I've run into is what I've come to think of as the silo student. Kids keep handing me resumes that look like they were written 20 years ago. They mention the student newspaper, the yearbook and the college literary magazine. But they don't mention Web sites, blogs, email newsletters, podcasts, html skills, citizen journalism projects, video, etc. And when I ask the students about their online experience, I get these weird responses. Lots of them tell me "I only want to work for a newspaper." Lots of them say things like "I'm going to be a writer, not anything else." Some seem genuinely perplexed and ask me if I think "most newspapers have Web sites?" or if "reporters need to do things on the Web?"
When I asked teachers what they thought about this, I found that they were as upset as I was by their students' disconnect from the realities of media today.
Teachers told me over and over again that their students were adamantly opposed to converging news operations at their schools. The print kids don't like the TV kids; the Web kids don't like the print kids, etc. The "cultures" don't mix, so the products don't mix and the students don't develop multimedia skills. Remarkably, as one teacher pointed out, few print students actually "lived" in the world of old media. They all owned iPods. They snap photos with cell phones, communicate with Instant Messenger and join social-networking sites. Yet they expect to work in some sort of old-fashioned land of ink and paper.
A number of teachers blamed the disconnect on their peers in college journalism programs. Many programs are dominated by older, established teachers who haven't worked in the press for decades and have an open contempt for newer forms of media. And no doubt such elitist dinosaurs are helping to create a new generation of unemployable followers.
If you take a look at what I wrote on this blog a year ago today, you'll see that the silo student is not a new phenomenon.
And longtime readers of this blog know that I still find silo professionals as well -- veteran journalists who have failed to develop new media skills -- and that I urge publishers to fire them.
I take a similarly harsh stand with students. As I told the folks at CMA, I have no interest in even talking to a student who has neither the curiosity to acquire basic new-media skills nor the common sense to understand that the industry is changing.
The person I did want to talk to -- the king of new media skills, the visionary who has taught us much about change -- wasn't around. Rob Curley is also on the professional advisory board, but he didn't make the meeting. Although I'm a fan of Rob's, we've never met in person. And I had been looking forward to being as star-struck as this guy was.
tags: journalism, b2b, media, trade press, magazines, newsletters, conversational media, business media, journalism education
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
The long march of March
This is the month of my birth. And everyone who knows me well knows I never work on my birthday. But it seems like every other day of the month is packed with work and travel.
I'm on the road starting tomorrow for most of the next few weeks. I'll be flying to Kansas City to see friends and associates. I'll be visiting Northwest Missouri State, where I'm on the professional advisory board of the Mass Communications Department. I'll be back in New York for the convention of the College Media Advisers, where I'm also on the professional advisory board. After that I have trips planned to D.C., Boston and possibly Florida.
Things should settle down again next month.
In the meantime, I'll keep posting to this blog when the mood strikes me. But I expect things will be more sporadic than usual for a few weeks.
tags: journalism, b2b, media, trade press, magazines, newsletters, business media
Friday, March 03, 2006
RSS or Really Successful Syndication
But until I read Matt McAlister's blog yesterday, I failed to notice just how easily one company has managed to become the RSS provider of choice for some powerhouses of the press.
As detailed on Matt's blog, Feedburner is conducting "a systematic conquest of publishers' RSS feeds."
Certainly part of Feedburner's success is due to the product itself. RSS is about the simplest function in publishing. And Feedburner has made it even easier. For example, I'd guess that I spent all of about five seconds creating my Feedburner feed, and that is about 1/1000th the time it took me to learn to operate my cable TV remote. Combine ease of use with upside potential and you have a product that any publisher would like.
But the most interesting thing about Matt's post is his comparison of Feedburner to IndustryBrains, the ad-serving network used by IDG, Slashdot, eWeek, Investors Business Daily and others.
Check out what Matt has to say here.
Or you can read some of my earlier thoughts on RSS here.
tags: journalism, b2b, media, trade press, magazines, newsletters advertising, business media
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Things that make no sense
That's why I laughed when I heard what is actually sad news: Electronic Publishing magazine is closing its print edition.
I'm not one of those folks who say that print is dead. But it is clear to me that much of the print world is in trouble. And I guess I just find it funny that someone was still publishing a paper product about electronic publishing. And when I heard the news, I couldn't stop thinking about that company that sells DVDs that you can watch on your television to learn how to operate a computer.
I'm sure that killing the print edition of EP is a good idea. And I wish the folks who work there well. But I'm afraid I'm not confident that things will go well online either. Electronic Publishing is owned by PennWell. And longtime readers of this blog know that I've singled out PennWell in the past for failing to live up to the potential of the Web. And a look at the Electronic Publishing site is an exercise in how not to practice online journalism. First, take a look at this piece from the front page. It is, clearly, a press release. And if you copy the text and search for it in Google, you'll see that other sites run it as a press release and give it proper attribution. EP, however, doesn't provide attribution and drops it unedited into the news hole.
Take a look around the site yourself and see if you agree with me. Follow the link to the page that PennWell has the audacity to call "Web Exclusives." It is an endless sea of press releases, despite the strange, redundant and incorrect heading of "EP Online News Online Articles."
Furthermore, the EP site lacks all of the things that make for compelling online content -- links, graphics, interactivity, photos, etc.
If my sources are correct, then EP is not the only print publication to die today. I've been hearing rumors that Vance Publishing, where I was once a senior writer, is shuttering two magazines -- Meat and Seafood Merchandising and Produce Concepts. I hope the news isn't true. I've known some hard-working folks who have tried to make those products work. But I suspect that these two publications are gone.
On a more positive note, there is some good business news today in B2B journalism. Penton is buying WeldingWeb, an online community with more than 7,000 registered members. The site should mesh well with Penton's Welding Design & Fabrication magazine, which needs a more engaging Web product.
tags: journalism, b2b, media, trade press, magazines, newsletters, conversational media, business media
Monday, February 27, 2006
B2B mash-ups and rich data
I would guess that the most obvious -- and potentially the most lucrative -- area for this would be in data. B2B publishers are increasingly turning to data as a way to boost revenue, as Russell Perkins at InfoCommerce has noted. Smart executives at B2B companies have a new appreciation of the revenue potential of those endless databases filled with what is now called "rich data." But what few seem to have noticed yet is the creative potential of rich data.
When I worked at Bloomberg News, I was mesmerized by the volumes of stocks and bonds data that was available to me. And my terminal, just like the terminals used by Bloomberg's customers, allowed me to run myriad functions to track, predict or examine a market. And with a simple click or two of my keyboard, I could create graphic representations of my findings and attach them to a news story. (Note: If you're interested in visual storytelling and you don't have a Bloomberg terminal, you can take a look at some of the simpler functions that can be run by non-customers here. And there are other companies that provide complex visualizations of data that are worth studying, such as this one.)
Few B2B companies have the resources available to develop better, more interesting, more fun and useful ways to look at rich data. But the world is full of people with the technical and creative skills to do exactly that. I've said before that I have my doubts that most B2B publishers have the interest or the courage to allow mash-ups. But I expect that sometime soon some B2B publisher, braver and smarter than his competitors, will let outside Web developers start playing with the data.
In the meantime, I'll watch the fun at the Washington Post, which has embraced the mash-up culture. And I'll amuse myself by playing with the 10 Best Flickr Mashups, including the one that let me build this:
tags: journalism, b2b, media, trade press, magazines, newsletters, conversational media
Thursday, February 23, 2006
When magazines blog
As a result, magazines are producing blogs at a rate that I can't keep up with. So I was pleased to see that there's a new service for obsessive types like me who want to monitor who is doing what in the world of magazine blogging: the Magazine Publishers of America trade association has a newsfeed-like service that shows posts from magazine-run blogs. (Strangely, there's no RSS feed available.)
Readers of this blog will be pleased to see that B2B publications are well represented on the list. But careful readers will also note a number of magazine-affiliated blogs are missing -- notably Meetingsnet's Face2Face and the blogs of Furniture Today.
If you're as obsessive as I am about these things, check out my post about the MPA service on the Conley-Sarbin blog on magazine blogs.
tags: journalism, b2b, media, trade press, magazines, newsletters, conversational media
Sunday, February 19, 2006
Keeping the talent in B2B journalism
None of them is still working in B2B. One is in public relations. One is at a mainstream newspaper. One works for a major network. One works for one of the wire services.
I'm proud of these folks. They've done well.
But there's something sad about the fact that none of them is still working in B2B.
I understand why they left. A quick glance at my resume shows that I've severed my ties to B2B numerous times. I've left trade magazines to work for the Winston-Salem Journal, CNNfn (now CNNMoney), Bloomberg and to start a business. The truth is that there's more glamour in other parts of the media. There's often more professionalism too. And there are plenty of more lucrative ways to make a living than B2B editorial.
The truth is that our industry has a difficult time retaining its most talented people. And in a world where every journalist can become his own publisher, I expect established B2B companies will have more difficulty keeping staff in the future.
So I applaud ASBPE, which several years ago developed its Young Leaders Scholarship as a way to keep young editors interested in B2B journalism. The YLS scholarship sends worthy young editors to the ASBPE convention. (You can find information and an application for this year's scholarship here.)
And now, for the first time, young editors from international publications have a similar opportunity. Trade, Association and Business Publications International will offer its own YLS scholarships to send young editors to the ASBPE show in Chicago. (Information and an application can be found here.)
If you're under 30-years old and working at a B2B publication that won't pay your way to the convention, fill out an application.
I'm serving on a panel at this year's ASBPE show. I hope to see you there.
tags: journalism, b2b, media, trade press, magazines, newsletters
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Changing the economics of trade publishing
Sifry, the founder and CEO of blog search engine Technorati, notes the rise of what he calls "the Magic Middle" -- bloggers that cover "topical or niche" areas and have 20-1000 other people linking to them. Sifry says about 155,000 people are members of the Magic Middle, and notes that they "in some cases are radically changing the economics of trade publishing."
Sifry singles out TechCrunch and Wi-Fi Net News as examples of influential blogs. And Sifry notes that these "Magic Middle" sites are often "interesting, exciting, informative, and witty." Given that this blog is part of the Magic Middle, I'll take that as a compliment.
For more on how new blog-based trade journalists are competing against established trade publishers, check out this post on the blog I share with Hershel Sarbin.
tags: journalism, b2b, media, trade press, magazines, advertising, newsletters, conversational media
Become a gathering place
And I think the future of B2B publications is in becoming more like B2B tradeshows.
Let me explain:
The real reason that most of us go to a tradeshow is to talk. We gossip, pitch and schmooze. Journalists go to B2B tradeshows to find sources. Salesmen go to find buyers. Job seekers look for job givers; bosses look for employees; boys look for girls and girls look for boys; newcomers look for mentors; old-timers look for young blood; everyone is looking for someone. We go to see, but we also go to be seen. We go to trade shows for the people.
Sure, the products are fun. And yes, some of the speakers are interesting. But for many of us, even the exhibit halls and lecture rooms are just places to talk. We look for the guy who made the product and quiz him on the specs. We grab the speaker after the lecture and hand him our business card.
Do you think I exaggerate? Consider this: would you go to tradeshow where you weren't allowed to talk? Assume that there would be new and innovative products on display. Assume that the keynote was to be delivered by someone well-known and respected. Assume that your friends, enemies, sources and prospects were all going to be there. But the rules of the tradeshow forbid you to speak.
Would you go?
A don't-speak-to-us model would never work for a B2B tradeshow.
Nor does it work for B2B magazines in the online era.
Yet few B2B magazines feel comfortable with allowing conversation. Feedback functions are the easiest way to create a conversation between readers and reporters. Yet few magazines have added them to their online stories. External links are the best way to foster conversation with other publications and bloggers. But there are still magazine Web sites that pretend they are all alone on the Internet.
Smart tradeshow executives know that a tradeshow is only a place. The lure is the community that gathers in it. And success comes from creating a show that fosters community.
Those of us in B2B publishing would be wise to follow that lead.
Sure, some of our articles are great. And yes, some of our product reviews are really interesting. But if you want readers to feel as if they belong, then you must let them build the community themselves.
One place where B2B publishing and B2B tradeshows intersect is in the blog of Sue Pelletier, editor of Medical Meetings magazine. And yesterday Sue pointed to this fascinating piece by Guy Kawasaki on building community. Among his suggestions -- welcome criticism and foster discourse.
In other words, let people talk.
tags: journalism, b2b, media, trade press, magazines, newsletters, conversational media
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Your audience is your competitor
Take a look. It's a fun piece that points out the flaws in a particularly poor piece from MarketWatch about business and finance bloggers.
But more interesting than the critique is that the CJR writer predicts a boom in business- and B2B-journalism blogs. "... in the future, we will see far more bloggers actually breaking the news -- especially the business news. Many business bloggers are insiders with real, if sometimes biased, knowledge of companies and industries. Moreover, the democracy of the blogosphere gives voice to genuine experts, many of them in esoteric fields that receive little attention from the mainstream media. For the first time, these people have an opportunity to share their world with us, and that adds up to a better informed public."
Readers of this blog know that I've predicted the rise of a new group of standalone B2B journalists in posts such as this and this and this. So I'm thrilled to see that CJR's staff also sees a future where the line between news source and news provider is blurred.
tags: journalism, b2b, media, trade press, magazines, advertising, newsletters, entrepreneurial journalism, standalone journalism
Monday, February 13, 2006
A new blog for B2B journalists
The Kansas City chapter of the ASPBE has entered the blogosphere. Check out its site here.
Longtime readers of this blog know I think K.C. is the capital of trade publishing. So I'll be expecting big things from the new blog.
tags: journalism, b2b, media, trade press, magazines, newsletters, conversational media
Friday, February 10, 2006
Folio founder wins Crain Award
I've never had the chance to meet Joe. But everything I've heard about him indicates that the award is well-deserved.
You can read about Joe at the ABM site. Or you can read about him in this piece by Folio, the magazine he founded. (And speaking of running behind of late, I haven't had a chance to offer my congratulations to Folio on the new look and feel of its Web site. I'm particularly pleased to see that external links are appearing in tons of Folio articles!)
tags: journalism, b2b, media, trade press, magazines, advertising, newsletters
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Mequoda picks best site designs
Mequoda uses a 14-step system that grades both B2B and B2C sites on usability and appearance. And among the few sites to garner an "A" rating is Firehouse.com. Longtime readers of this blog know I'm a fan of Firehouse, (although I must confess that I find the site's design a little too busy for my taste.). Few sites have done a better job of engaging users as a community. (Disclosure: Firehouse is published by Cygnus Business Media, which hired me last year for a short-term consulting gig.)
Another B2B product that did well in the Mequoda survey was AdAge.com, which picked up a "B." I also like the look and feel of Ad Age, and I've been impressed with the video content and the site's use of photos and graphics. But I've made note before that the site has some fundamental problems with understanding the culture of the Web.
ComputerWorld picked up a "B" grade as well. (Disclosure: ComputerWorld is an IDG product, and IDG is also a client.) And although Mequoda says ComputerWorld could do with some help in "Relationship Building," I like what the magazine has done with blogs, while ABM likes what it has done with editorials and commentary. And those areas are key to building connections with readers.
Click here to see the full list of Mequoda's winners. You'll need to register to see many of the details, but there's some material available for free.
tags: journalism, b2b, media, trade press, magazines, advertising, newsletters
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
The start of something new
I've launched a new product that may be of interest to readers of this blog.
In recent months I've run into a lot of magazine executives and journalists who are fascinated with the blogosphere. Some of them sense that there is money to be made. Others are worried that bloggers are a threat they must respond to. Some recognize that blogging is a way to broaden the audience or to expand coverage. A tiny percentage see blogging as part of a wider and wonderful shift in media -- a move toward something more conversational and engaging, an evolution to user-driven, user-generated and user-controlled content.
And although interest in blogging has become widespread among magazine folks, expertise in blogging is rare. There are exceptions. There are good products from Variety, Wired, BusinessWeek and the now defunct CMO. But for every compelling product from a magazine, there are several that are just embarrassing.
I'll be talking about these issues at my latest venture, MagazineEnterprise360.
ME360 doesn't replace this blog. I'm going to do both.
That's because, as you'll see, although there is overlap, there are also some fundamental differences in focus and content.
Whereas this blog is a one-man show, ME360 is a product of my partnership with Hershel Sarbin, one of the most beloved and respected figures in magazine publishing.
And Hershel's expertise is part of the reason why the new blog will cover both B2B and B2C publishing, whereas this blog will maintain its focus on the great love of my career -- B2B journalism.
You'll also see ME360 and this blog have one major thing in common -- neither site accepts outside advertisers. I don't object to ads. But I don't believe they have a place in these products.
Take a look at ME360. Let me know what you think. In particular, share your thoughts on this post about what makes for a good blog by a magazine.
tags: journalism, b2b, media, trade press, magazines, advertising, newsletters, conversational media
Monday, February 06, 2006
Trouble for email newsletters
Now comes more bad news for publishers of those electronic products. AOL and Yahoo will begin charging a small fee to bulk emailers. Folks who pay will get preferential treatment. Folks that don't, won't.
Now let me be clear. I'm not suggesting that it's time for B2B publishers to abandon email newsletters. There is too much revenue attached to these things to walk away just yet. And I don't want to suggest that the AOL/Yahoo move is some sort of unmitigated horror (it's too early to tell.) But it should be clear by now to everyone that email newsletters are doomed. RSS is a vastly superior delivery system. And although it may take some time before your readers are ready to make the switch, you can be sure that they will make the switch.
So what am I suggesting?
Two things:
1) Make the only decision that you'll need to make about RSS -- full or partial feed -- and then offer RSS for all your content.
2) If any money in your budget is earmarked for doing anything with email newsletters, change your budget. Take the cash and use it for something else.
tags: journalism, b2b, media, trade press, magazines, advertising, newsletters